Why You Need An MSP
Doctors, lawyers, and accountants will tell you there is nothing more dangerous than someone who knows just enough to be dangerous. As a managed service provider, we know the same applies to those who handle their own business IT.
Improper Email Setup
Setting up an email service isn’t plug-and-play. There are many complex settings that are necessary. Without proper setup, malicious actors can masquerade as you, there is increased spam, or you’ll spend money on unnecessary mailboxes.
Insufficient Malware Protection
Most businesses use the free anti-virus software that came on their computer. Consumer grade anti-virus is very limited in it’s capabilities, and most users don’t even pay for a subscription and keep it updated. We use enterprise grade endpoint protection. Anti-malware and anti-virus are just two pieces of a very sophisticated security suite we utilize for our clients.
Unsafe Networking
Are you using the wireless router that came from your internet service provider? This is the equivalent of leaving the front door wide open, with a sign that says the security system is turned off. We use enterprise grade networking equipment to keep your network safe, fast, and reliable.
Purchasing The Wrong Equipment
Many business owners simply buy the laptop or printer recommended by a discount ad or the salesman at the local big box retailer. Buying the wrong can lead to increased downtime, and replacing gear often.
We take over budgeting and purchasing decisions for you. As your virtual CIO, we take the headache out of figuring out what to buy, while increasing uptime and productivity.
Unpredictable IT Expenses
Something goes wrong, and you call the guy who’s been working on your tech on the side. He shows up and sends you a bill. Some months, these bills stack up more than others.
With an MSP, that’s the way of the past. Our flat-rate IT service provides predictable IT expenses.
Improper Licensing
Is your software properly licensed? Many businesses use expired licenses or software licensed only for home use. This can lead to expensive legal fees or software that stops working entirely, leading to costly downtime.
Compliance Headaches
Is your email service HIPAA compliant? Are your credit card terminals PCI compliant? Are you storing your files in compliance with FINRA regulations? We can help sort it all out for you.
Featureless Phones
Do your phones record calls? Are you able to make and receive calls from your business phone number, while traveling? Our sophisticated business phone system has all the features you’ve always wanted, without the headaches and costs typically associated with them.
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